Someone has got to do it! It is dirty and seems a misguided exploration of territory and even uncommon waste of resources. Christians will yell at you for forsaking the
First Two Commandments: “Love the Lord Your God With All of Your Heart, With All of Your Soul, With All of Your Strength and With All of Your Mind and Your Neighbor as Yourself (Luke 10:27).” Teetotalers of the First Amendment shall condemn you for your onerous disdain of the Founding Fathers and their observance of free speech among individual and corporate citizen alike. Private Property Guardians will assault you as cynics seeking to undo the principles of intellectual and private property. Liberals will assail your integrity for not moving faster with the newly inferred powers of public officials at every level by the radical Supreme Court which, for the sake of expediency, deemed socialism the preferred style of governance over the land by the measure of restraint in taxation of the corporate and individual citizen. Listen, it took millenniums for mankind to reach the seventh heaven. Know that installing Utopian state sponsored tyranny upon the universe may take another generation.
Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.
Most of
Amerikka has been up in arms about Dan Cathy’s comments on traditional marriage. Before July 2012, most had never even heard of
Mr. Cathy. Turning from a music career as a trumpeter, Mr. Cathy joined Chick-Fil-A in 1970 and,
since 2001, serves as President and Chief Operating Officer. Chick-fil-A has steadily grown to become the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States, with over 1,615 locations in 39 states and
Washington, D.C. [
Note to Mayor Vincent Gray: You should pay as much attention to the companies residing in your city as you pay to those that handle your campaign finances. By the way, as a Roman Catholic, I would think that you would know that there is a Chick-Fil-A at Catholic University. Take it up with the Priest at the next confessional.]. In 2011, annual sales were over $4.1 billion. Chick-fil-A is still privately held and family owned. In 2011, Consumer Reports ranked Chick-Fil-A the Nation’s Top Chicken Chain. J. D. Powers, in 2010, ranked it top restaurant brand in customer satisfaction. In 2008, Men’s Health recognized Chick-Fil-A as America’s Healthiest Restaurant Chain for Children.

Truth is, my entire life has been spent around Chick-fil-A and watching my dad, S. Truett Cathy, build an organization that is as much about people as it is chicken.
Why would such a successful man and excellent organization have difficulty in connecting with the Mayors of the Most Powerful Cities in America: Washington, DC.; Chicago, Illinois; Boston, Massachusetts; and San Francisco, California? While many of you will immediately affix yourself to the concept of God, I would probably confound you by saying that it is the least of the concerns of the Left. God has been erased from most conversations in Urban American politics. The ever extensive reach of Black Liberation Theology and its Marxist-Leninist Tenets has all but reduced the number of Urban American, Biblical World View ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a mere remnant easily hidden in the caves of orthodox seminaries or buried in pulpit depth charts. God has such little place in the state sponsored societies of Urban America. It is easier to blame “some” in the Universal Church for the deficiencies of racial prejudice and fiscal greed as the reasons that the social justice gospel outside of the predominant favor of government influence has failed. Easily asked, yet drawing a breath of many in the reluctance to answer, “How many of your churches have more fliers and advertisements from your federal, state, county and local government about “social justice programs” that provide medical, housing and clothing to the “poor” than ministerial notices of support to the “poor”? The Urban American Church has placed the responsibility of caring for the sick, the homeless and the poor on the “taxpayer” because it is only “fair” that we all give “equally” to the needs of the poor. The fabric of a Biblical World View in Urban America has been eroding since 1964. Thus, God is not the issue.

The real issue is the common standard of achievement. What are you talking about, Ken? Can you not see that the Progressives are trying to take away your rights and liberties? Yes, I can. Can you not see that they are attacking a man simply because he offered his personal opinion? Yes, I can.
Conservatives, I must provoke you so that you realize where the real battlefield is. The Progressives left the soft, safe conservative confines of the United States Constitution on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 with the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The Progressives’ interest was never the economy, energy, foreign policy or any other Constitutional requirement of Congress. It was about obtaining the last ring of conquest:
socialized medicine. In the moment that President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Progressives had ended their War on Natural Rights. Every American, by choice and force, had surrendered their political rights, guaranteed by Sovereign God, installed by our Founding Father’s in the US Constitution, for
economic rights, guaranteed by a state sponsored assembly of mankind, installed by the radical interpretation of the US Constitution by electorates, Congress, President and Supreme Court. Unless the Second Bill of Rights is repealed then, the US Constitution established by the Founding Father’s is virtually dead. In its absence, a new Constitution is being written but only, for this moment, on the hearts of men.
Common Standard of Achievement is the new spike in the Progressive Railroad to Tyranny. What is Common Standard of Achievement. Let’s critically think this through. Common is defined as “pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public”. There is no private. Success is a public investment and public outcome. Wealth created from innovation is not private property but belongs to state. In the very first paragraph of the “Virginia Declaration of Rights” written by George Mason in 1776, it proclaims:
“That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.”
Thomas Jefferson would later use this reasoning for the founding principle of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. No private property or private success then, no life or liberty.

Standard is defined as “something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model.”. Modern Liberal Economics would have you believe that there are not two distinct economies, one private and the other public but one, public. Their analysis
in the public economy portends that the
universal economy is beholding to the unlimited resources confiscated by government and that by daring to raise revenue, increase taxes, the confiscator would stir the universal economy through unique investment opportunities (government spending) that would produce innovation (new government programs) and equal stabilizing growth for every citizen, corporate and individual (fair and shared costs of effort). Such artists of
Keynesian Theatrics fail to realize the boundaries of governmental intervention and how too great a manipulation of money supply creates artificial growth in specific industries (Banking Industry, GM, Solyndra, etc) while resulting in a
weakened economic recovery. Bleeding the economy with more stimulus will only slow the inevitable outcome of a cataclysmic economic outcome like a depression. Private industry determines the profitability of a project based on risk and reward and not the nobility of purpose or access to unlimited funding. Private pursues profit in order to create jobs, innovation and investments in capital and production. Profit is not a curse word unless defined by the marketers of governmental intervention. Yet, the model that is preferred of men is private since it grants ownership and authority to the individual or corporate citizen.
Government, the state entity, is insatiable and until it confiscates the whole, none of its noble approaches to solving the individual problems of mankind will ever come to fruition.
Government was not created by free-market capitalists to ever be so large that it would so negatively influence the general marketplace. There are those that wish to hurry the state sponsored marketplace in order to eliminate the private marketplace. Installing socialism unto the next generation requires the acceptance of community/social/state property over private and intellectual property. Public modeling must prevail in order to satisfy the new standard.

Achievement is defined as ”something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed”. It seems that only Exceptional Americanism can be validated where there is a primary role of government. The only courageous projects, developments or ideals were pursued by those invested in, selected by or submitted to the state. Hoover Dam is referred to by the President. However, it was not Hoover Dam that came before private land speculation and economic development. The latter came first. However, it is so sexy to blame the government for the great successes of America because the noble idea was always completed without fault or error, by the resources of the private and corporate citizen. So who shall tell the story? Whom must do the indoctrination? Only those that have a “bully” pulpit. Their command of the liberal press offers the greatest reach for the new message. To whom? Certainly not you! You are the reason that America has failed. The New America shall not depend on the individual or the corporation to solve our problems. Only the State can plan for the unnatural and natural conditions to help its people overcome their limitations in wisdom, experience, effort, courage and ability. For the State to continuing prospering, it must convince the potential convert that the final noteworthy accomplishment of anything is source in the Sovereignty of government and not man.

Yes, President Obama’s Roanoke, VA Speech is not an accident. It was the signal to the Progressives to begin an all-out assault on the next generation of thinkers. They, our children–adult and and grand–will rely upon those recognized as Urban American authoritarians to establish the Common Standard of Achievement. Without this conversion, the hope for a Universal Declaration of Human Rights dims. It is possible that a revolution to fundamentally return Amerikka to its political rights alone as unto the Founding Fathers, will take place before Progressives can wield their powerful new authority. Even New York Mayor Michael
Bloomberg encourages the State to exert collective force upon the citizenry in order that citizens relinquish their Second Amendment Rights.
“I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you. Unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe…’”
Yet, this seems unlikely with Chicago Mayor Rahm
Emanuel, DC Mayor Vincent
Gray, Boston Mayor Thomas
Menino all blasting Chick-fil-A for the statements of Dan Cathy. By the Old Standard, our Constitution would preclude us from focusing to greatly on the blustering of City Leaders. The New Constitution carved onto our hearts by authors like Obama and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts requires us to put greater faith in their blustering for they may be empowered to execute even the most idle threat.
The installation of the tenets of socialism, at least at its most frightening level of state sponsored human rights, requires public servants to rebel against the confines of their duties and instigate the eventual revolt of the workers (mob), aligning themselves with the defenders of the one perfect opinion of the state, against constructs and protectors of the rule of law. The New Constitution points to the taxpayer as the public servant and the elected official as the ruler of the common good. Every individual and corporate citizen must be able to point to their achievement from the Sovereignty of the Noble State and not from the Sovereignty of a Omniscient, Omnipotent and Inerrant God. The Savior and Redeemer of the Nation must be the wisdom of the central planning organization that remedied the challenges of nature and man to grant a level outcome for all that subsist under its authority. It seems that when all is said and done that the high ground will have its Pyrrhic victory and the Barbarians of ideology will all but flee from the land with only the echoes of their unflattering hurl of curses as witness of their presence. The Progressives have moved on from the US Constitution and are proceeding with quickened steps towards the Utopian idealism of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Conservatives, the battlefield has moved and the Progressives hope that you focus on everything but radically transforming Amerikka back to America.