The DC Mayor, Empress Muriel Bowser, is hosting a new game show, "Numbers Roulette". It is a gambling game revolving around the hysterical Wuhan Virus response of the host and audience--the City Council--in which the players--most often than not, government agency heads and lobbyists, bet on which slot of a rotating disk a small ball will come to rest in. It is quite exciting as the contestants, on edge, watch the ball roll pass each noted financial obstacle. This ball bounced off the small businesses are closed slot. Then, it bounced off the book stores are now opened but, not libraries slot. Wait a minute, it's headed towards an "unprecedented" [see, I used an Obama word] unemployment slot. No, No, it's slowing down to depleted surpluses slot. Oooooh, where will it land? Wow! The Train to Nowhere Wins Again!
Look what you have won by coming into one of the only casinoes left open in the region,
$113M for the
DC Streetcar, including extending the line to the Benning Road Metro Station. Yep, MGM Grand has nothing on the Government Budget Casino. The Train to Nowhere is so much more important than funding parents that are, now by Wuhan Virus Edict, required to "Home School" their children whether they are employed full and/or part-time. It seems that those subscribers of a little German journalist's economic theorem that holds "the working class is exploited under capitalism" have found the absolute best means of exploiting the educational labor pool by paying the well-connected teachers and administrators while enslaving the proletariat parent. What a rush! Do you want to play again?
What are you saying, Ken? No price can be paid for putting the health of teachers and students at risk during a pandemic. While that is true, education is invaluable and must be continued. Parents must sacrifice their time, their talent, and, ultimately, there resources to ensure, within our education utopia, that children learn and that teachers teach. You are not very compassionate--a subject of tyranny in need of reeducation. You must want to kill people in nursing homes by encouraging teachers and students to show-up at a central location daily where they will not be in direct contact with the elderly. You must want children wandering the halls of the Big Box Stores during the day to be put at risk in America's classrooms where "older people and those with underlying health problems are most vulnerable to
Covid-19". If we could save but one life...
Yeah, I know, I know. I will register you for the next protest outside of the Planned Parenthood Headquarters in New York City when they lower the fences that keep people off of the
Beaches liken unto the Wall built by that German journalists' progeny to keep people in the Totalitarian State. Although very few children have died from or contracted COVID 19, "health experts" have warned state, county, and local executives, legislatures, and educational administrations that the greatest threat to mankind is not an adult with the Wuhan Flu but, a child that does not have it.
Business Insider reported, "A low case count among kids is a good thing, according to health experts, because children are less likely to wash their hands, cover their mouths, and refrain from touching others — behaviors that can spread germs." By the way BI, the Wuhan Flu is a virus, not a germ. Yes, Ms. Maples, your children are deemed enemy number one by the state yet, they can not cease receiving pay for educating them while you are held responsible for their "distance learning".

I am wondering. If my plumber fixed my sink by "distance learning" and I did all of the work then, why would I pay him or her? If my electrician fixed my main electrical panel via "distance learning" then, would I pay him and, as well, when will I get out of the intensive care unit (ICU)? As noble an idea, education is not a gift of the state but, a service granted all that qualify and is paid for by property taxpayers.
DC CFO Jeffrey S. DeWitt reported to the City on April 24, 2020: "The collections rates for real property tax payments due at the end of March 2020 were as expected and do not reflect any impact from the recession." Now, you know why the District's Empress, even during a global pandemic, would not offer a property tax holiday. If she did then, how would the state pay the educational administrations that consider your child "public health enemy number one"? She couldn't. To keep her interests and those of her Casino guests to heart, the Empress won't.
While others, especially workers and businesses, make sacrifices, we are left with the fatal flaw of state-sponsored education. The government creates no revenue. It must by force or threat secure itself. It's security or entitlement, depending on how you observe the totality of control, is based upon the ability of government to tax and spend with the powers of enforcement. Using force or threat, the public school system has passed on the duties and responsibilities of its vital supply, the teaching service, unto a previously unwelcomed, low-skilled, non-certified workforce without stipulation of compensation, parents. Indeed, the state tyrants have justified this lack of compensation and choice as an effective effort to complete their own regulated duties and responsibilities under the duress of the pandemic. What would the Free Dictionary call this?
slavery (ˈsleɪvərɪ) n
1. (Law) the state or condition of being a slave; a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, and fortune
2. the subjection of a person to another person, esp in being forced into work
What political party is in control of DC? Hmmm, it looks like it has found its 1860 soul. Hmmmmm?

How does this pathway open? How do persons become enslaved to the state during a pandemic? People are confused with terms during the expression of the state's good intentions for society's best interests. State-sponsored distance learning is confused as a patriotic response to society's overall health concerns. Free choice education in a home environment via both online curriculum and state-certified in-person testing is homeschooling. There is a difference of tremendous magnitude. The former accept their stations in life seeking to both appease and assist the strong-arm tactics of the state which is attempting to maintain its core economic viability without redistributing any of its accumulated wealth. The latter pursued its stations of life and willingly sacrificed to make certain that their child or children excellently performed in the best learning environment which was not restricted daily by the state. Such a choice yielded great personal rewards for the student and parent-teacher in the independent homeschooling platform. While the uncompensated distance learning required by the boot of state yielded strife and utter frustration for the student, the parent, and the teacher. The confusion calls into question the intent of the bourgeoise leaders of DC's public education system. No matter how Empress Bowser dresses this pig, state-sponsored distance learning is not free state homeschooling.
Can you imagine how horrified your child will be when they have to call home because he or she was suspended for playing Patty Cake or Miss Mary Mack? Can you imagine double dutch jump roping done at 6-foot intervals? Why are parents so confused that they are willing to send their children with masks upon their faces, gloves upon their hands to classrooms where teachers punish them for physically socializing? They are led to believe that by making normal abnormal then, you are actually saving lives. When in truth, our economies and educational systems were ravaged not by the Wuhan Virus but, by the hysterical, unconstitutional state-controlled responses. The top-down actions of the state led to millions of Americans losing their jobs and small businesses shuttering eternally. US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin testified in a virtual U.S. Senate hearing and warned that a continued shutdown could lead to permanent economic damage.
The Motley Fool's Maurie Backman wrote, "An estimated 39% of workers with a household income under $40,000 lost their jobs in the wake of COVID-19. Among households with an income between $40,000 and $100,000, that figure drops significantly to 19%. And among those with an income above $100,000, only 13% of workers lost jobs." That permanent damage will most negatively impact those with the lowest incomes.
Not only an economic hit but life and death hit.
The Wuhan Virus death toll in DC's poorest neighborhoods was higher than most other areas of the City. Ward 8 leads the City in Wuhan Virus deaths with 87 (21%) and Ward 7 is fourth at 57 (14%). The District reported the following Coronavirus Data for May 19, 2020:
Total Tested Overall: 40,419
Total Positives: 7,551
Total Lives Lost: 407
Total Recovered: 1,059
While these are all reprehensible numbers, they are nowhere near the numbers estimated by Empress Bowser. In April 2020, Mayor Bowser estimated that over 1,000 could die from the coronavirus outbreak based on the
CHIME (COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics). The models showed the virus peaking at the end of June and the beginning of July. The CHIME was a more intensive estimator of the Wuhan Flu impact than the
Imperial College model that estimated "up to 2.2 million deaths and maybe even beyond that." The Great Numbers Wizard of the CDC Anthony Fauci said, "They always overshoot. Generally, the reality is somewhere in the middle." However, this was not the case for Empress Bowser and the Hockey Stick Science Priests and Medical Partisans. This was a matter that required the total control of the government and the total submission of the electors and citizens.
The numbers don't lie or do they? The Fantasy Numbers never matched the Reality Numbers but, damn the costs! Compared to expectations in February 2020, DC officials project that the District will bring in $722 million less in revenue by the end of the 2020 fiscal year (FY), according to the
CFO DeWitt." The CFO doesn’t expect revenues to return to FY 2019 levels until FY 2022, meaning it will take two years for DC revenues to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels, assuming that the economy will gradually re-open beginning in fall 2020. He doesn’t expect a return to “normal” before spring 2021. The CFO projected that the City will lose $1.495 billion through the end of FY 2021 due to COVID-19 response which is more than the $1.43 billion in reserves before the pandemic hit. Still, the Empress watches the City burn through cash. We must wait until the Fantasy becomes Real. No worries low-income, possibly permanently unemployed East of the River citizen, the Leftists at the DC Fiscal Policy Institute (DCFPI) have the answers to your ills. DCFPI commands, "Lawmakers should consider drawing down a sizable portion of the reserves to stave off deep budget cuts and to meet immediate needs, such as cash aid to DC residents who are undocumented and excluded from many federal and state relief efforts." Yes, my broke, busted fellow citizen, your needs are always Number 2. What we do in tyranny is for the good. It's all for your good.

Contemplating that the poorest amongst us have been whipsawed back and forth in their newfound faith in state control of their lives their liberties and their livelihood, we must ask ourselves what sustains us. One moment, you must buy a ton of
Clorox to clean every surface in a building and the next, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updates its guidelines to stress that the coronavirus "does not spread easily" on contaminated surfaces. How can you remain a faithful subject of the state when the CDC says to wear gloves out of one side of its mouth but, out of the other, "Experts say
wearing gloves while grocery shopping probably won’t lower your risk of contracting the virus that causes COVID-19?" One moment, your mask is more important than Michael Jackson's glove because the CDC has recommended that even seemingly
healthy people should wear masks over their mouths and noses when venturing out of their homes. The next moment, the experts say that "masks might help keep people with COVID-19 from unknowingly passing along the virus. But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protections against the coronavirus." How can my god of Hockey Stick Science be so doubled minded in doctrine and yet, so single-mindedly strict in ceremonial discipline? How shall we praise the one that keeps us so poor and broken? It is not easy to follow those that have convinced you to live in fear. It is indeed when those tyrants train you to combat those that proselytize you to live in power, love, and sound mind.
You see the writing on the wall, my poor state subject. Empress Bowser expects you to be grateful for the station in life wrought upon you by the state's oppressive protection of those in greatest harm: healthy people. Look what magic trick performance saved you. O by the mask and glove I wear, I walk in faith. I suggest that you do so with open eyes. In the midst of
freezing the pay of DC workers for 4 years, the Empress was able to find monies for teachers and administrators with a 3% increase to the uniform per-student funding formula (UPSFF) for a total of $1.92B to serve an estimated 98,315 DC public traditional and charter school students. When I checked, none of that money was to be paid to you directly for "distance learning" your children. Nor do they plan such a right of passage to the one that truly must ensure the educational viability of your children. You are now the teacher and your dining room table is the classroom. At the end of the day, what is your labor worth? I suppose the Marxists across from Freedom Plaza have calculated it as the understood sum of zero. Yet, they found $53M for tree planting and urban forestry efforts to protect and expand the District’s tree canopy. It's amazing the money that you will find when the labor is free somewhere else.
Don't allow the State to erase the 14th Amendment for your own good. I suggest you consider anything but, slave labor to improve the educational outcomes of your family and the City. It's just a suggestion.