They are voiceless. Yet, we hear them.
They are invisible. Yet, their presence demands our attention.
They are without vengeance.
May those that proclaim justice cover their innocence with truth.
The Supreme Court in Heller struck a balance between the
right of individuals to protect themselves and the right of individuals
to be protected. If we so limit gun control as to favor individuals to
protect themselves, but then disadvantage the right of individuals to be
protected by the police, what will we have gained for the public good?
Phil Mendelson
An at-large member of the D.C. Council and chairman of the council’s
Mr. Chairman of the District of Columbia City Council, Relisha T. Rudd and Charnice Milton demand a Public Hearing on the State of Missing Persons and Homicide Resolutions in the Nation's Capital. Relisha T. Rudd and Charnice Milton represent individuals that have not seen the fruition of the promises of their city leaders or the resolution of their acquaintances with loss and death despite the efforts of community policing. They are citizens of the District of Columbia. Yes, a District formed on the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers that has shown a greater commitment to those that reside illegally than those of natural birth. I know Mr. Chairman! We have no reason to complain that our policing agency, oft criticized and maligned for the sack of political expediency, is restricted to enforce law on those that reside here illegally. I mean what did they ever do to us to bring cause?
Mary Cheh, a D.C. Councilmember from Ward 3 was on council in 2012 when D.C. adopted its current illegal immigration policy, which says the city will not hold illegal immigrants for the Feds unless there’s a criminal investigation. Also, the District does not check the immigration status for anyone arrested. So, an illegal immigrant in D.C. could commit murder and Cheh says the Feds will not be told.
Wow! I remember Mr. Chairman that you sat on that same council that made DC a sanctuary city.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has flagged for deportation
the sole suspect charged in the high-profile, quadruple homicide in the
multimillion dollar Northwest home of businessman Savvas Savopoulos. The
agency has placed an immigration detainer on Darron Delon Dennis Wint,
who was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in last month’s
killings of a D.C. couple, their 10-year-old child and the family’s
housekeeper. ICE officials confirmed that Mr. Wint, who is a citizen of Guyana, could face deportation from the United States if he is convicted.
No need to worry about the City Council. We know that this legislative body will always see that the right of individuals to be
protected by the police is weighed heavily in all deliberations and observed in every legislative matter including agencies' oversight. While
the status of DC as a sanctuary city lends credence to the need for
citizen oversight, the Unresolved "Missing Person" claim of Relisha T. Rudd and the "Major Case/Unresolved Homicide" claim of Charnice Milton begs our attentions. For this and other reasons, We the People petition the City for public remedy by hearing of its oversight of agencies under the Committee of the Judiciary.
Unresolved "Missing Person" claim of Relisha T. Rudd is harrowing in that despite the great interventions of the city government's agencies we somberly closed the year without finding the little girl. It took more than two weeks for Relisha Rudd to be reported missing. According to police, Relisha was last seen on March 1, but a police
search warrant indicates that her disappearance wasn’t reported until
March 19, when a public school social worker contacted authorities about
her repeated unexcused absences from school. Sarah Stein, Ph.D. of The Center for the Resolution of Unresolved Crime, says that in Missing Persons Cases, if a child is not found in the first 3 hours then, there's an 86% chance that the child will be found dead. Shelter
Janitor Kahlil Tatum, Relisha's suspected kidnapper, committed suicide
after killing his wife, with a bullet to the head, in a hotel room.
There is no sign of Relisha anywhere. The resolution of this missing person matter seems bleak. Yet, it revealed some of the most repulsive procedures and processes of agencies regarding missing persons. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Chief of Police Cathy Lanier and other city leaders maintained conditions at D.C.
General homeless shelter have improved since Relisha's disappearance. Per NBC Washington News, "they have added 24-hour security, fixed broken surveillance
cameras and repaired the heating and air conditioning". We appreciate the improvements however, is there nothing more appalling than not knowing where a child is for more than a moment? Howabout three weeks? in Lori Jane Gliha's Who's to Blame for the Disappearance of Relisha Rudd, Melissa Young, Relisha's grandmother, relates:
Anybody did not call. The most disconcerting is that her mother Shamika Young did not call. Rebecca Taylor and others are petitioning for the Relisha T. Rudd Law. Akin to Caylee's Law, parents or legal guardians would be charged with a felony for not reporting missing children under 13 years of age or not reporting a child's death or the location of a child's corpse within hours of the child's death. An individual would face one to to five years in prison, fines up to $10,000 or both. Simply, parents must be parents. Government, even with the promise of police protection, can not be parents. When parents refuse to do their Godly duty, they are a risk to public safety and the peace of society. Some punishment is necessary when parents put their children and our culture at risk. For this and other reasons, We the People petition the City for public remedy by hearing of its oversight of agencies under the Committee of the Judiciary.

Nowhere in the United States Constitution, which is truly the "Law of the Land", or the DC Home Rule Chartering Agreement with Congress is there a Guarantee of Protection of the Citizenry by Police. "Law enforcement generally does not have a federal constitutional duty to protect one private person from another", according to L. Cary Unkelbach, Assistant County Attorney Representing the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office, Centennial, Colorado. I don't know where I get this from. Some off the wall magazine. O, yeah, Police Chief Magazine! Mr. Chairman, where would a sensible man of law get this type of thinking from? Maybe it was from SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION
Civil Action No. 4695-76
CAROLYN WARREN, et al., Plaintiffs,
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, et al., Defendants.
The Court, however, does not agree that defendants owed a specific legal
duty to plaintiffs with respect to the allegations made in the amended
complaint for the reason that the District of Columbia appears to follow
the well-established rule that official police personnel and the
government employing them are not generally liable to victims of
criminal acts for failure to provide adequate police protection.
Talk about your War on Women! It was this DC Police Case that stands the test of federal and state judicial systems. Yet, many have fought against innocents like my daughter protecting themselves on the cruel streets of Washington. I know, as long as "thugs" are not opening drug war zones across the street from Cheese Cake Factory on Connecticut avenue NW, I guess we are good to go. However, here's a problem with that scenario: Charnice Milton. On the night that Mayor Bowser visited our home to offer comfort on behalf of the City of Washington, our beloved daughter, Charnice Milton, was placed on DC Metropolitan Police's "Cold Case" List. However, we were corrected about 72 hours later. We were told that a few days before her funeral that she wasn't on a "Cold Case" List. She was on the "Major Case/Unresolved Homicide" List. I was worried. I did not want her to be on the "JV" Team of Unresolved Homicide Cases.
I was told that her killers were on all terrain vehicles and other recreational vehicles. Like champions of public safety, I heard the Council and DC Agencies jump out to really solve the crime. "Go after the ATVs and synthetic marijuana! That will solve these unsolved cases." Huh? The long and short of it is that my daughter's killers were able to get away with murder in Washington, DC. In fact, my daughter was unresolved case No. 31 at the the time of her slaying, May 27, 2015. It's July 15, 2015 and there are 48 unresolved homicides and my daughter remains listed. What of the Public Safety, Mr. Chairman? You once sat on the Judiciary Committee. You oversee the Commission on Fathers, Men and Boys. Should they not be up in arms that over 85% of the Unresolved Homicides are Black Men? You oversee the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety & Justice. Should you not be concerned that Mayor Bowser and Chief Lanier held a press conference because one case was solved? Aren't you the least bit concerned that a limited staff of detectives must play catch up on over 100 Unresolved Homicide Cases after one year and half (1-1/2)? You oversee Metropolitan Police Department. Besides the obvious questions, have you ever wondered why police are not using the same vehicles as the criminals? Even better, why are our police not using electromagnetic pulse equipment to shutdown these vehicles? This makes it easier to arrest on site rather than depending on grainy videos to identify the "thugs". Should you not wonder aloud why Kevin Southerland, whose killer was arrested in less than 48 hours after our Attorney General released him the day before the murder because hitting a police officer was not a great enough charge to hold him in the clink, is still listed as an Unresolved Homicide? Your silence on these matters make the Council complicit with the Culture of Fear and Death that grown in this city.
It was not a law abiding citizen gun owner that killed my daughter, Mr. Chairman. For the report of great DC Detectives, 14 Black men and women were responsible for her death. One black man used Charnice Milton as a human shield to avoid being struck by the assailant. My daughter laid in the arms of a gentle policeman who watched over her. He watched her bleed out of the chest onto the street. He listened to her murmur and cry her last tears. He listened as she cried out for her mother and father wishing they were there in the police officer's place. He reached over his shoulder, as she breathed with such discomfort, to call for backup and an ambulance. The agony and pain almost unbearable for those that gathered. Some day you will see the photograph of how she looked when she exited the Sanctuary of this City and entered into the Kingdom of Heaven. Why bother you with this testimony. These crimes don't fit the narrative that would require the City to outlaw Confederate Flags. It does not fit the safe and secure racial disharmony narrative. Imagine the marches. Imagine the ministers falling out of their pews to speak about injustice everywhere. I can only imagine what this City would be like if the narrative were different. Ideological narrative should never supersede the moral responsibility of public safety. Whom will build this City if it is not safe? Whom will protect this city if not the police as you say? Mr. Chairman, there are two that have been silenced that are due their day before their respective servants. Relisha Rudd and Charnice Milton are they.
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