Dear Faithful One:
I hope that the kisses that I placed in this letter are received fully in your heart and soul. You have made me stronger than any other has. I want you to know that I love you and always will. You have been faithful to me in the rain and the sunshine. When I was against you, you were for me. When I swerved from you, you stood by me. When you offered me your greatest treasure and I cast it away, you, with tears in your eyes, held onto my promises of a better day. Your love is so strong.
I hope and pray that you have enjoyed the many times that we have shared. Others envy what we have. They criticize. They heckle. They are constantly beefing. It gets on my last nerves. Yet, you never stray. You lay beside me when I come home at 5 in the morning and you never gripe. You may speak out every once in a while but, in public, you never put me down. My bacon be crisp, my eggs perfectly scrambled, and my orange juice freshly squeezed. My clothes perfectly laundered and shirts exceptionally starched--not too crisp and not too wispy. Just the way I like it. I know my folks never liked you and still hesitate to come around. I know that you "march" around the house saying that you don't like them. You have to know that they appreciate you more than you will ever know. At least, what you do for me. You keep the house strong when everyone else can see how weak it is. You never let their truth infect our lie.
Faithful One, you are my ride and/or die! I know from you that you will never leave me. Yeah, sometimes, you make me crazy. You ask me to do stuff for you when my friends need it more. You gotta remember that I am just a Giver. I'm a Businessman. I gotta take care of the Streets because the Streets take care of me. Yeah, you have made me mad and I have had to correct you. The good thing is that we did that privately, in our own abode. I did not mean to hurt you but, we both know that you had it coming. I had to handle my business. You made me mad. The doctor that I sent you to said that you will be fine. As long as you stay inside and wear shades when you go out then, you will be just fine. Faithful One, you know that I have to treat you this way because you need to be strengthened. You gotta learn to love me when the rain falls hard against your face. You have learned to mask the tears and blame it on the rain. You are just so strong. You drive me crazy but I know that you love me.
Faithful One, you have been so good to me. I know that when you could leave, you choose to stay. You don't even think about going anywhere else. Even, if you did then, where would you go? You know nobody else wants your imperfect nature. No one else could care for you the way that I have cared for you. You don't even have to think about it because there is none to compare me. If you need a re-think then, I will refresh your mind. Who wants you but, me? I took you from the fields that my folks had you slaving in day and night. I took you from the problems of owning stuff in the backcountry to living on my dime in the Big City. Did I not treat you better here than my people treated you from where you came? My hand is softer than that which struck you from where you came. I have done you good. Better than any have! In spite of your sensitivities, I have stood by you, not for what you have asked but, for what you have needed. I know what you need and I give it to you as you need. When it doesn't work, it's not because of me but, it is because you are not prepared or competent enough to handle what I give you when I know that you need it most. I stand next to you and you do not have to apologize. I got you and you got me.
As I write these sweet words to you, I want you to know that Faithful One, you give me much pride and joy. I don't have to worry about you because you are always here for me. Yes, I have messed up sometimes but, you don't hold it against me. When I screw up then, you explain that it is because we are victims. The MAN is against us and always trying to keep us apart. No matter what happens, I know that you will always be with me. I am not worried about the future. My place is set at the table. Your place is set at my table. You are my Boo, no matter what.
You know that I love you and always will but...
It's me and it's not you. I have grown. I have matured. I have gotten to a point where I know that you can stand strong and I can stand strong. Faithful One, we can get to the next level that we have always dreamed of but, it requires that I do some stuff that we have never done before. Or at least that I have never done before. I know that you will be with me until the very end because my father said that you would be with me until I die. Faithful One, just stay with me while I am away from you.
Firstly, Jesus is in my way. At least the way you make Him out to me, he does not fit our lives. It's not you, it's me. I mean you say He is the Creator but, how do I know that? Do you have proof? No, but, you keep telling me that what I do opposes Him. That it hurts Him when I encourage little boys to dress as girls and to dance for me. That it hurts Him that I recommend an abortion to an impoverished woman. That God wants me to use my money--our money--to feed the poor rather than taxing the hell out of another person or business to do the same thing. I don't know what God you serve but, He does not have a worldview. He is not compassionate to a woman that is trapped into a man's body. In fact, He has a greater love for a baby trapped in the womb of a confused mother than for one of my LGBTQRSTUVWXYZP friends. What is this God and who is He? I'm sorry. I know that you are crying now but, you have a belief that keeps me from growing with the world. It's not you. It's me.
Secondly, I have to replace some of the peeps in your life that have not matured as I have. I know that this is tough. It's been running through my mind like the first time I saw you. On that perfect day that I saw you, I knew that you were all that I needed, wanted, and desired. I did not want anyone else. I only wanted you. I wanted you to be happy with me. I wanted to be happy with you. However, there are some that you cling to that just don't fit where I'm going. They are keeping me from loving you in the right way that you need to be loved. They keep talking about the way that things once were. The way that things used to be. No change, we just keep going along doing the same thing and getting no results. I have a small list:
Henry Cuellar
William Lacy Clay
Hakeem Jeffries
Nancy Pelosi
Yvette Clarke
Joyce Beatty
Emanuel Cleaver
Anthony Brown
If you loved then, you will let them know that they no longer represent you. You let them know that I got you. We will walk together in the right direction. True justice is that you walk with me and they can walk with us as well.
Faithful One, I am not trying to take them away from you. I just want to lift them up in the way that I have lifted you up. You are strong and will come. They are weak and you must make them strong. If they follow you then, I can return to you sooner. Remember, it's me not you. But, I need you.
This last thing, Faithful One, will challenge us more than anything else. I want you to know that everyone thinks that you will not stand by me. They say that you may be jealous. That you will be so mad out of envy that you will break away from me. The MAN says that you are weak. Who can be weak when you sacrifice our inheritance so often for the sake of ending poverty, reducing the stress of needless populations, and making our existence certain and affordable. You love me, Faithful One. I must now love another. It's for our good. I know that this hurts you. The MAN will tell you that this is wrong and that it really shows that I don't care. Don't let their truth maliciously deny our commitment to each other.
You may have received word that I have been entertaining others. You may have heard that they give me hope and satisfaction like none other. I want you to know that only you have I an eye. You must know that like those that choose their lover, no matter how they dress or what room they choose to relieve themselves, these same entertained visiting citizens have suffered as you have suffered. They are Persons of Color as you have a color given to you by your Creator. They deserve the same rights that we have given you and they deserve the same benefits that once were yours alone. Is it fair that you have an outcome that is not the same as theirs? Perish the thought that I am fair only with you and no other. Your hue did not stop you from joining me. Why should their ethnicity separate them from the gifts of a Nation to your ancestry? If you love me and what I have done for you then, let me know and love them.
You are my Beloved, my Faithful One. How shall I love you alone with favor and hate another with prejudice? I would never abandon you for my own good. You must fight the MAN that wishes to convince you the truth. I shall return with more of those that I entertain for my prosperity and your well-being. It may seem that they shall have more in a short time than you have ever gotten from me yet, be not so concerned that you forget your devotion to me. It is this unrivaled alliance that I count upon for my comfort and that you must count upon for yours. Faithful One, it is me. It is never you.
Faithful One, tears roll down my face as I write these words to you. Not because I think that you are weak and will not devote yourself to this cause of love. O no, I am certain as you were with me that you will always be with me. This is the insurance that I will carry as I do your picture in my wallet. I know that you will never tire of my promises, even when I fall short. That same God that you say Creates, you know that He will forgive me and bring me back into the fold. When I am with the others, I shall long to be with you. When you see us together on the street then, cross to the other side and ignore us. I do this to shelter you from the pain that we share of longing for each other.
Faithful One, you know that I love you and always will but...
It's me and it's not you.
Your Beloved Friend

Kenneth McClenton
Founder, Chairman, and President
1307 44th Place SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone 202-660-1329 Ext 0
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