All there is, in the end, is now.
The spoils of war are fleeting. For the innocent, the end of the fury blazing across the night sky and the fear that builds in hiding sorrow in the noonday is embraced with eternal rejoicing. For the soldier, the silence of peace replenishes the soul and the whole of the next years is the purpose of living with the nightmares, ever learning to seek the comfort of the culture that they protected and yet, wishes to live without them. No matter the war, long live the conqueror. For the unquenched spirit, the yearning to conquest the strong and make them bow in homage is the burning desire. The weak are protected and purposed to serve for the betterment of society and for the enlightenment of the world. Every morning, he or she faithfully arises to instill and to install that which is best in the images of the men that they hope to create. That which is lost, those that are lost, are the acceptable necessary undesirable consequences that the better comes. The conqueror can not live without the conquest.
All there is, in the end, is now.
The Left rages on. Like conquerors before them, in their weakness, the Left has never stopped fighting. They have known only war from the rising of the pen to the setting of the sword. They have known one enemy since the forging of the United States: the ires of freedom and liberty. As our Republic stood after the rivers ran red with the blood of fathers and sons of the Civil War, Karl Marx corresponds to President Abraham Lincoln with an inquiry of "the relation of capital to labor". Marx and the International Workingmen's Association--the Central Council advised that it was cast upon the head of Lincoln "the single-minded son of the working class, to lead his country through the matchless struggle for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world." The Left sought the affirmation of a Warrior King to reconstruct America. Yet, it fell upon deaf ears, as the US Diplomat to Great Britain Charles Francis Adams responded with appreciation for the kind words but advised that we will pursue capitalism rather than Marxism. Thanks for writing.
All there is, in the end, is now.
For Marx and his ilk, the crown jewel of their pursuit has been the United States. A failure before the Enlightened Elite because of slavery and involuntary servitude, how great a place, the rebellious home of the former colonies, to bring about the economic utopia Marx guaranteed. Murray N. Rothbard, An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, wrote:
"But a utopian, and a fierce one, Marx certainly was. A hallmark of every utopia is a militant desire to put an end to history, to freeze mankind in a static state, to put an end to diversity and man's free will, and to order everyone's life in accordance with the utopian's totalitarian plan."
Utopia is the unkept promise of the Left. Trade your freedoms and liberties for economic security and know Heaven on Earth: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." The Utopia requires that men forsake their God and subject themselves to the rule of Gov. However, the promises of abundance, necessary for the vibrant sustenance of this utopia, has not existed in the many failed communist systems. The abundance that has existed is death.
People's Republic of China
Body Count: 73,237,000
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Body Count: 58,627,000
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
Body Count: 3,284,000
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Body Count: 3,163,000
Body Count: 2,627,000
The most valuable resources for the Utopia of Marx are death, destruction, and fear, evident today in the countries that have embraced Marxism with the strictures of communism and socialism. Yet, the Left is silent on the total costs of installing Gov as the new god of a people and a nation. Ignorance and submission are the practicalities needed to conquer. Its the conquest--the act of taking control of a country, city, etc., through the use of force--for which the Left lives and kills.
The United States has always been on the radar. It would be done by either the pen or the sword. We, as a Nation, now find one of our great Republic's roots--the Commonwealth of Virginia--is succumbing to the Left's new power, influence, and access. Its people may soon lose the right to defend themselves and be subjugated to the guardianship of the Gov. All other states tremble this morning as the people of the Commonwealth assemble to fight for their natural rights. It was once said that "as California goes then, so goes the Nation" when considering Leftist's legislative and judicial decisions. The Nation winced but, overall feared little. Today, the Nation trembles because the Left may conquest and all of the Nation's people may see their right to defend themselves from their government and all evil vanish. By the pen, the sword shall be taken from the people and a Constitutional Revolution begun.
Four things must be done to conquest the people and install the foreign ideology:
(1) Infiltrate the Cultural Institutions: Individual and Family; Neighborhoods, Economic, Education; Governance; and Faith
(2) Destroy the Borders from Within and Without
(3) Install Genocide As A Way of Life
(4) Disarm the People
Our Nation has seen Marxists invade every cultural institution, leaving many on bended knee at the mercy of the Left. As President Donald John Trump fights to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, our borders have been invaded by 30 million-plus illegal aliens. Our borders are weakened by the Leftist's judicial and legislative prowess. Since 1972, Genocide through abortion has gripped the United States with over 50 million casualties of the Left's War on the Poor, the Races, and the Natural Born Citizenry. Strengthened, the Left senses that the moment to strike has come and that the Constitution's viability is at greatest risk. The home of the Father of the Bill of Rights, Geroge Mason, may offer the final blow to the Second Amendment and, hence, all other Natural Rights of Americans.
Conquering a Nation requires the disarmament of its people. In Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944: Secret Conversations records, German Dictator Adolf Hitler (1942) was quoted:
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police."
As the Left did to the peoples of Germany, China, Korea, Vietnam, Russia, Cuba, and many other failed Marxist regimes, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia prepares to do the same. Disarm the people. Having secured the Commonwealth's General Assembly and Senate under the control of Leftists, the Commonwealth's Governor Ralph Northam has made a combined assault on the law-abiding gun owners and the Nation's Second Amendment and upon the Commonwealth's citizenry. This is not a novel attempt but, one built upon the foundational gun control efforts in the legislature in July 2019, which implicated law-abiding citizens for a murderous active shooter event in Newport News, VA. The Washington Examiner Spencer Neale, ‘Assault on the Second Amendment’: Virginia Senate passes three gun control bills [January 16, 2020] reported:
"The majority-Democrat state Senate passed legislation that would restrict monthly gun purchases, expand background checks on firearms, and allow localities to ban guns in certain designated areas.
Senate Bill 69 amends Virginia law to restrict citizens' ability to purchase more than one handgun per month, Senate Bill 70 requires mandatory background checks for all private sales of guns, and Senate Bill 35 requires localities to ban guns at public events."
All there is, in the end, is now.
Why is such propaganda important? The object of the Left is to convince the people of America to become "citizens of the world". Men and women bound to fight the evils of society--wealth creation via greed; hate speech which is free to the sovereign, and the ability to defend oneself outside of the will of the ruler. French utopian Étienne-Gabriel Morelly, Code of Nature [1755], proposed:
I. Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.
II. Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.
III. Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent, and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws.
Public men and women have no public rights or even the right to private defense of him or herself. If the people can be convinced to surrender their natural rights for the sake of the public good then, the Left wins and the people are disarmed.
How do we know that the Left would be successful? Take a look at the major cities of Baltimore, Washington, DC, and Chicago. These are the most gun-controlled cities in the United States. They also have two other commonalities: extremely high murder rates and large black populations. After several decades of surrendering their natural rights for economic securities, the Left has tested how much people are willing to endure to keep the cause alive. They have watched Blacks lose their children, property values, jobs, economic investment, and the confidence of police forces as their communities are disarmed and subject to the terrors of gangs and the criminal element. They understood that Blacks and other minorities would complain but do nothing to ascertain their natural rights having been trained to maintain their faith in the promises of economic security through government contracting and subsidy. In fact, many such Blacks became stewards of the oppression. Blacks that often promoted natural rights were called "Uncle Tom's", an attack against their commitments to Christianity, Constitutionalism, Conservatism, Capitalism, and Individual Sovereignty. However, they failed to understand how they were made to be the Sambo and Quimbo to the Left's Simon Legree, the evil tyrant. Sambo and Quimbo were trained to brutalize their fellow slaves to keep them within the confines of the institution. Having observed the actions of Blacks in Urban America under gun control, the Left is now ready to go after the Commonwealth of Virginia. A state that is now as Blue or Leftist as Maryland and the District of Columbia. The Commonwealth's assault upon the Second Amendment and its citizenry now have the ability to force other states to conform to such tyranny. The Left strikes while the iron is hot and will not be denied.
All there is, in the end, is now.

Kenneth McClenton
Founder, Chairman, and President
1307 44th Place SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone 202-660-1329 Ext 0
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