Saturday, May 23, 2020

For Beads and Trinkets, Houses of Worship Trade Away Their Possessions, Out of Fear, to the Left

Using the Coronavirus as a Public Safety Threat, The Leftists Have Executed the Perfect Trade Embargo Against Houses of Worship in the United States.

The Left Are Pre-disposed to Fighting Against Religious Freedom and the Protected Liberty of Religious Expression. New York Times “Beliefs” columnist Mark Oppenheimer wrote a piece headlined “Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions" in which he stated, "The Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage makes it clearer than ever that the government shouldn't be subsidizing religion and non-profits.”

The Left's Religion Is Its Political Ideology. They consider the tax-exempt status of Houses of Worship to be an unjustified mechanism that weakens their ability to fully redistribute wealth through their political means. Houses of Worship occupy land without property tax and that reduces the financial support that must be availed to America's indoctrination centers--public schools. As such placing an unconstitutional embargo, a legal prohibition on commerce, against churches during this quarantine has left many ecumenical institutions in unimaginable financial duress. Which is why many Leftist Governmental leaders are offering the bribe of state public safety funds for the permission of spying upon the general populations under the pretense of "contact tracing". So strapped for cash, many Houses of Worship were scrambling to compete against major corporations for a slice of the Paycheck Protection Program monies. The government-backed loans of up to $10 million were available to cover expenses such as payroll, mortgage payments, rent, and utilities for up to two months. Let's just say that most Houses of Worship did not fare well in obtaining even the crumbs from the bailout table. As a result, with an incredible reduction in revenue from tithes, offerings, and corporate giving, many Houses of Worship are or soon will be on the block for purchase. Just as desired by the Left.

Yeah, your brilliant Ph.D. religious leader led you in a spirit of fear and the bank is about to lead you out in a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. President Trump wanted you to go back for Easter but the Left said, "Hell No!" When you test the Spirit, whom did you follow? Hence, you may not be around for the Christmas Extravaganza that you had planned. No worries, the Left will allow you to shop in the Big Box store that buys your property. Yes, you may shop as long as you wear a mask, gloves, and a hazmat suit.


Kenneth McClenton
Founder, Chairman, and President 
1307 44th Place SE
Washington, DC 20019
Phone   202-660-1329 Ext 0


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