Monday, December 28, 2020

Overthrow the Local / City GOP: It's Time to Fight, Conservatives and Patriots.

 "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The acts of tyranny against the American people are heinous and irrefutable.  Our nation has been in an exceptional economic war against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since October 1, 1949, yet, the Media Robber Barons want you to believe that President Donald Trump exacerbated relations by seeking fair and earnest trade.  Taxpaying Americans, suffering from a retaliatory act of war by the CCP through the release of a deadly biological agent, have seen their constitutional rights smitten in lieu of the States' leaders' right to protect us from each other while they preach plausible deniability of the communist assassins.  Business leaders are divided between the essential and non-essential.  Houses of Worship have been shuttered in lieu of First Amendment Protections.  Families have been destroyed due to the collateral damage incurred by the best interests of Governors and Mayors pursuing "Do as we say not as we do" mandates.  When all is done, government rulers and bureaucrats will never face foreclosures, evictions, unemployment, suicides, and bankruptcies because they will never face the ineffective, reactionary Wuhan Flu policies that they have put upon others.  I have always said that if you wanted to end the COVID-19 pandemic policies enforced by the Democrat-Marxists then, legislate a moratorium on pay received by governmental officials and bureaucrats until the COVID-19 pandemic ends.  I assure you by week's end the poorest and miseducated children will be sitting in the once empty classrooms of America.  Problem solved.

The Democrat-Marxists have used the violence of BlackLivesMatter and Antifa to intimidate constitutional governing structures into defunding law enforcement agencies leaving those at greatest risk in the most weakened state.  The Democrat-Marxists have gone as far as to impeach the President for a perfect phone call to a Ukrainian President.  The Democrat-Marxists blamed President Trump for the biological warfare of the CCP.  The Democrat-Marxists in collusion with the Left-Wing Media Barrons hid the fraudulent business actions of Joe and Hunter Biden with the CCP, Russia, Ukraine, and other foreign interests so that they may have a better chance of winning a US Presidential Election.  The Democrat-Marxists, defenders of the Motor Voter Laws of America because voter suppression exists, proclaim that Joe Biden won the election fair and square.  Even better, there were no cases of voter suppression and no cases of voter fraud.  After over 200 years, America produced its first perfect election.  So perfect that even, according to Rasmussen, 30 percent of Democrats believe that it’s “very likely” that their own party won the election through illegitimate means.  Yes, from Russia, Russia, Russia to COVID-19 to Hunter on Crack to the 2020 Rigged Election, the Democrat-Marxists have illegitimately colluded with agents foreign and domestic to overthrow the Constitutional Federated  Republic of the United States of America.  

Who will stand against the Democrat-Marxists of America?

Certainly, the Republican Parties in Urban America will be the first to defend President Trump, Urban Republicans and Patriots, and American Citizens.  Right?

Urban Republican Parties have been virtual echo chambers of the Left-Wing Politiburro, Propagandists, and Social Media Barrons.  Oftentimes, the local and city GOPs have been louder in their silence than the Democrat-Marxists have been in terrorizing America's small businesses through intimidation via rioting, looting, murder, and Marxists COVID-19 edicts.  There are some that find immediate comfort in partisan play.  They seek not to be the opposition party for any reason.  They believe without a shadow of a doubt that is far simpler to go along to get along than to stand boldly for the Republic and its citizenry.  In fact, they are the first to proclaim that there is no proof of voter fraud when there is a preponderance of evidence in several states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.  For a matter that requires a preponderance of the evidence, the local GOP's are the first to reiterate the Leftist's media's mantra: "there is no proof".  In fact, it is easier to identify a "Make America Great Again" Republican in a crowd of Democrat-Marxists than a Local or City GOPer.  In fact, don't confuse the interests of the Local or City GOPer with hiding.  Most are more willing to vote and support their Democrat-Marxists brethren than to be identified with their Urban Conservative Patriots, of whom they are supposed to have so much more in common.

This is the condition for which Urban Conservatives and Patriots must rally themselves.  We are not assigned merely one enemy but, we face two: Democrat-Marxists and Republicans In Name Only (RINO).  I know that millions are planning to travel to Washington, DC on January 6, 2020, to Rally for the President and to influence the Electoral College Certification.  Against the fears of the current Chief Justice John Roberts of BlackLivesMatter and Antifa rioting in the land, if real justice is done on Election Fraud, we all hope that Vice-President Mike Pence confounds the Global elite and accept the contesting electors sent by the state legislatures.  I am a huge supporter and hope that Trump serves out his second term in 2021.  However, while the millions pour into the Marxist fortress of Washington, DC, the assembled conservatives and patriots must be charged with the responsibility of overthrowing their Local or City GOP.


Americans need an opposition party.  The Local and City GOP's are merely country clubs often missing members, lacking scheduled meetings, and offering spineless retorts to the communistic pursuits of the Democrat-Marxists.  For instance, the District of Columbia Republican Committee (DCRC) is one of the most feckless republican parties in the country.  As of January 7, 2019, there are 30,001 registered voters affiliated with the DCRC, which is 6.15% of all registered DC voters.  Yet, only 69 members will hold the power to decide the DC Party's leadership on January 14, 2021.  All District of Columbia voters registered as Republican are considered members of the District of Columbia Republican Party.  However, their membership is considered unimportant by Committee tyrants to choosing leadership.  The DCRC prefers not to choose a leadership that supports the President of the United States rather choosing one that awaits Inauguration Zoom Invites from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  

When Mayor Muriel Bowser threw former Chief of Police Peter Newsham under the bus in pursuit of approval from Leftists seeking to eliminate fathers from American households, where was the DCRC?  Nowhere near were they.  Apparently, laryngitis held their voices still.  When the President stood in front of St. John's Church after ending an insurrection indulged by Mayor Bowser, where was the DC GOP?  Nowhere near were they.  In fact, they waited four days to give a formal press response.  I believe TECNTV.com's Suzzanne Monk of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Talk, made a most accurate assessment:

"No WONDER the GOP struggles here.  Way to take a stance, DC GOP... On day 4 of rioting, you FINALLY "call on the mayor". And in the SAME BREATH bow in homage to her ridiculous and now obviously pointless COVID19 shutdown directives.  These tools are fools.  I am not "calling on" Mayor Bowser to do anything but RESIGN. I call her OUT on her BS, while the DC GOP kisses her ring AND her ass.  Sad. Clearly, we need to take over the DC GOP and get rid of all the Democrats in the group."

Unfortunately, the DC GOP, like most Local or City GOP's, is DOA on any important governing matter.  They are certainly absent when needed most in opposition to the Marxists that have created one-party rule.  When Democrat-Marxist City Councilmember Charles Allen proposed releasing 500 murderers and rapists onto the streets of DC, antagonizing victims and their families, where was the DC GOP?  Nowhere near were they.  The only DC GOP Member with the courage to speak against the Democrat-Marxists and RINOs was Ward 8 GOP Chair Mindi Walker.  What was her reward?  Condemnation from the "Hard Core" DC GOP Members who consider themselves social media warriors.  

"How dare she speak out?"  

"Who is Mindi Walker?"

While America's conservatives and patriots ready to celebrate one of the Nation's best historical figures, I believe that it is just as important for MAGA members to answer the call in their State's urban centers in January 2021.  Make certain that you vote to take back your GOP.  This is not your "surrender" party committed to appeasing the Democrat-Marxists.  This is the "conquer" party committed to finishing what President Trump started when he came down the Trump Tower escalator.  Whatever comes after January 6, we must agree.  President Trump can not do it alone.  We must send as many challengers as possible to turn Urban America around.  You are not alone and no longer need to be represented by those committed to worshipping at the altar of Leftism.  We are a Republic if we can keep it.  We are a Grand Ol' Party if we give the Leftists within us their eviction papers and applications to join the Party that they are most comfortable within.  

Many of you will disavow this writing as desperate utterances and some even an encouragement to participate in the impossible.  However, after watching the Republican Party post-Rigged Election, do you believe anything will change after Trump.  If so, then, you do not understand why you have been brought this far.  The challenge is not to maintain the status quo but to Make America Great Again.  It is an enduring journey that will allow no pause.  As you March on Washington, I encourage you to do two things.  One, do not spend a dime in Washington, DC.  Do not sustain the Marxist regime east of Beijing.  When you support Mayor Muriel Bowser then, you support the communists that suckle too greatly at the tit of the US Treasury.  Secondly, remember the words of DC's First Republican, Frederick Douglass, as we do battle with our enemies both foreign and domestic:

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

It's Time to Fight, Conservatives and Patriots.


Kenneth McClenton

Founder, Chairman, and President 


1307 44th Place SE

Washington, DC 20019

Phone   202-660-1329 Ext 0





1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the article. As a fellow Washingtonian I agree with you and we need to be more proactive. We need to take our city back from the insidious hands of Democratic-Marxist!!
