Friday, April 9, 2021



“Any rocks I throw, I stand around and make sure they land.”

― Darnell Lamont Walker

Apparently, the party that preserved slavery, rebuked the civil rights movement with burning crosses, and installed "Jim Crow" identity politics from the beaches of California to the steps of the United States Capitol have become valiant comrades in arms against the liberty of Georgia's legislature and executive changing voting laws to lessen the chances of malicious, anti-Constitutionalists orchestrating ways of thieving the election rights of citizens of the Peach State.  One of the biggest revisions in the "Election Integrity Act of 2021" is the role of the Secretary of State. Under the new law, the secretary is no longer the chair of the State Election Board and, instead, a non-voting member of the board.  Moving forward, the General Assembly will elect a "nonpartisan" chairperson to oversee the board.  The law also gives the State Election Board the power to suspend and even remove up to four local election superintendents at once and appoint temporary superintendents in their place.  Yahoo News reports that Former President Donald Trump says, "Georgia’s election reform law is far too weak and soft to ensure real ballot integrity."  Yet, for the Marxists' Propaganda Media (MPM), the thoughts of a man that required all of the social media barons, the Communist Party of China, and seven corrupted Battleground States to cheat--ahem, defeat--him in the last Presidential election, are considered mere racists ranting and BlackLivesMatter provocations.

However, the words uttered by a man that once brokered a racist compromise with southern Democrat segregationists in the US Senate are most hyperbolic.  Joe Biden, who occupies the Office of the US Presidency, called the "Election Integrity Act of 2021":  "Jim Crow in the 21st Century" and "an atrocity," saying the Justice Department is "taking a look" at the measure.  According to NBC News, Jim Crow Joe "did not simply compromise with segregationists — he also led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students. His legislative work against school integration advanced a more palatable version of the “separate but equal” doctrine and undermined the nation’s short-lived effort at educational equality, legislative and education history experts say."  When Biden rose to defend the amendment, he said that the “assignment of schools and/or classes because of a person's race ... is a counterproductive concept that is causing more harm to equal education than any benefit.”  Biden sponsored not just the bill limiting courts’ power to enforce busing as a means of integration but also an amendment to an appropriations bill that barred the federal government from withholding funding from schools that remained effectively segregated.

But hold Jim Crow Joe's Beer, he was not done yet!

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, commonly known as the crime bill, was sponsored by Joe Biden 27 years ago.  According to Politico, the main reason the 1994 crime bill is controversial is that critics blame the legislation for soaring incarceration rates — particularly among the black community.  According to a 1994 Gallup survey, 58% of African Americans supported the crime bill, compared to 49% of white Americans.  In hindsight, the majority of Black Americans resent the Crime Bill that was sponsored by Jim Crow Joe and signed into law by Democrat President William Jefferson " Bill" Clinton.  Yet the "Holier than thou" Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) gave Biden the Plantation Vote in 1994 as they did in 2020.  Maryland representative Kweisi Mfume, the then-chair of the CBC, “We have put our stamp on this bill.”  Two-thirds of the CBC members voted for its passage, as did the only Black senator at the time, Illinois’ Senator Carol Moseley Braun.  According to Bustle, "Though Biden was criticized on CNN's State of the Union by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday and Sen. Kamala Harris earlier in May, the strongest words came from Trump, who tweeted Monday night that "Super Predator" was the term associated with the 1994 Crime Bill that Sleepy Joe Biden was so heavily involved in passing.  Trump called it a "dark period in American History" and said that Biden had not apologized for it."  If you leave it to "Jim Crow Joe" and his plantation minions then, they will convince you that a lot of good came from locking up "Super Predators" like getting Chinese Communist Party (CCP) funded Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) more Pell grant monies, drug courts, and free weave Fridays.  

But hold Jim Crow Joe's Six Pack, he's not done yet!

Jim Crow Joe blamed Trump for racial provocations by protecting the borders from illegal aliens flooding them.  Jim Crow Joe knew that only Mexicans and brown people illegally flood into the United States and that it is racist to stop them because Open Broders is a human right for idiots that do not know how to do it the legal way.  As well, Brown people like Black people are incapable of getting government identification (ID) like passports and travel visas.  For a moment, let me rid one of the thought that I am implying that Jim Crow Joe is a racist.  Let me just give you four quotes to peruse while I digress.

“I do not buy the concept, popular in the 60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years.’” 

– Joe Biden again on integrating schools which he opposed vehemently in the LATE 70s. 

“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a Jungle…a racial jungle.” 

– Joe Biden on desegregating schools in 1977

“You cannot go to a 7-eleven or a Dunkin Donuts without a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” 

– Joe Biden in 2006 while bragging about how great he is with the Indian American community 

How's this working for you "Black" Vice-President of the United States Kamala Harris?

If you’re having trouble figuring out if you’re for me or you’re for Trump then you ain't black.” 

– Joe Biden in a May 2020 video interview with Charlamagne Tha God

And the Plantation Praises God and says, "You have not proven Jim Crow Joe a racist!  But, Trump is definitely a racist because he's a rich, white man!"  Poor Jim Crow Joe, if only he was a man.

With the help of the MPM, "Jim Crow Joe" applies throughout the land the Karl Marx precept that makes his re-election, by fair means, virtually impossible.  Marx instructed, "Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”.  Jim Crow Joe operates Open Borders Warp Speed and the numbers swell.  Most blind mice would admit that his Anti-Trump illegal migration policies are not working.  Not Jim Crow Joe!  He doubles down on his attacks on Trump.  Nearly 19,000 unaccompanied children were encountered in March, the highest recorded.  Blame Trump!   Border officials encountered 172,000 migrants at the border in March, a 71% increase from February and the latest indicator of the extent of the crisis at the southern border.  "We're continuing to dig out of the hole left by the previous administration on immigration," an administration official said on the call with reporters.  Biden, who occupies the Office of the US Presidency, aimed and fired at Trump: "He dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and continued to be a problem for a long time.  He, in fact, shut down the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those Border Patrol facilities where they should not be and not supposed to be more than a few days — a little while. But he dismantled all of that."  The March numbers exceeded the highest monthly total during the 2019 crisis, where approximately 142,000 migrants were encountered in May that year.  The numbers will continue to climb in the Spring and early Summer months.  Blame Trump!

Are you confused, yet!  So let's get this straight, as I return from my digressing, Jim Crow Joe uses an executive order to eliminate all of the things that former President Trump did to reduce the flow of illegal aliens into the country including building a wall and working out agreements with Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to restrict illegal travelers from leaving their countries without proper exit visas.  Then, all of a sudden, little boys and girls start showing up at the US Border with Iphones, applications to register to vote for Biden in the Battleground states, and stimulus checks from the US Treasury.  If not for photos of little boys and girls wrapped in aluminum foil and posted in cages then, all of us would believe the MPM narrative that Trump is still President and is the reason that their planned humanitarian crisis exists at the US Broder.  No worries!  The Black person--because the MPM says so--that occupies the Office of the Vice-Presidency, Kamala Harris, will solve this crisis faster than you can say Chicago.  Wait, this just in!  She told Jim Crow Joe to go screw himself.  As long as she occupies the Office of the Presidency then, the only Borders that she will visit is a bookstore near Georgetown, Washington, DC.

Trust me, Jim Crow Joe has a Beer Truck waiting in the wings.

Sixty-nine percent of black voters and 75% of Americans overall support voter ID laws.  Broken down by the party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.  The MPM would never report this news via programming like the Rickey Smiley Morning Show, Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell Show, the Russ Parr Morning Show, and the DL Hughley Show.  These media programs are geared to reach urban voters that are aged 18 to 54 and have never sat at a bus counter in protest, faced attack from trained German Shepherds, or received a baptismal by fire from open fire hoses washing them away as they march in protests against "Jim Crow".  Could Jim Crow Joe possibly make Millieniels believe that double-minded Marxists are clearly the way, the truth, and the good life?  Certainly, he could, especially if he is working with a populace that believes that the Bible supports Pro-Abortion Christianity.  It is what the Chamber of Commerce was born to do, submit to the call of a Marxist President to boycott the American people, move their events to WOKE venues, and call their conservative consumers the real "racists, oppressors"  that are fighting diversity and inclusion.

So Leprechaun Ken, what shall conservatives do to fight?  

We deceive ourselves to believe being nice soldiers of misfortune works.  It does not!  Enough with the boycotting and throwing shoes at the television screen.  The goal of any conflict is to control your opponent and overcome them.  Controlling their beliefs about your abilities helps you understand their assumptions and plan a strategy accordingly.  As a well-known translation of Sun Tzu puts it, “all warfare is based on deception.”  When climate scientists wanted to control American energy and transition to the Green New Deal, while their grassroots marched in the Streets, their Marxist egalitarian strongholds invaded America's Corporate Board Rooms.  When the Marxist LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ and add the P sought diversity that would eliminate white men and Western civilization, their Marxist extremists invaded America's Corporate Board Rooms.  When the Rainbow Marxists sought to change what they could not find from their political sycophantic alliances in the House and Senate, they invaded America's Corporate Board Rooms.  It is now time for America's conservatives to do what works best for themselves and against the contemptible tactics that foster the power of Marxists to command America's corporate institutions.  We must Master the MPM and its sources of financial strength.

There are those that will say the following words written are an explosive attack upon Opportunists Catherine Liggins Hughes and her son, Alfred Liggins, III.  They are in no fashion more than an indictment against those that portend the great promises of Marxism for others while themselves exhausting the great rewards of capitalism.  The noted Media Mogul is lauded as a "Single Mother Success Story" in Urban America's largest cities where over 23% of women are single mothers.  According to Haven Life, "In the U.S., the number of single-parent households is on the rise.  In 1950, there were just 1.5 million single-parent families.  As of 2017, that number climbed to 10.6 million and now represents a larger share of families with children under 18 than at nearly any other time in recent history."  Single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80 percent of single-parent families are headed by single mothers — nearly a third of those living in poverty.  However, the Opportunists would never encourage single mothers out of poverty through capitalism but, to engorge themselves in the poverty that results from electing Marxists to legislative and executive power, offering welfare and victimhood rather than liberty and prosperity.  

Indeed, Cathy Hughes is a venerable capitalist that seeks power to influence the voter for her needs and the investor for her wants.  She defines diversity and inclusion for Black Americans as everything that is Marxist in nature.  Conservatives are the enemy of Urban prosperity and literal ancients seeking to segregate others through the white man's money and religion.  It's this deception that most conservatives spend their time fighting rather than realizing that they are being played.  It is the "Jim Crow Joe" Marxist that uses the Black voter to exploit their addiction to being accepted by everyone rather than accepting their individual sovereignty.  As these opportunists used Black privilege to invade America's Corporate Board Rooms, they gained wealth and influence for themselves and their minions.  Their committed urban consumers remain in broken WOKE cultures without remedy by Faith or courage to change the cultural institutions that enslave them to this day.  We must do what our enemies have done to fight back.

Think I'm silly.  

Let's take a look at the Urban One, Inc. and Subsidiaries Form 10-K for the Year Ended December 31, 2020.  Yes, a 10K.  You probably did not hear about this on WOL-AM, WKYS-FM, or TVOne.  A 10-K is a comprehensive report filed annually by a publicly traded company about its financial performance and is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The report contains much more detail than a company's annual report, which is sent to its shareholders before an annual meeting to elect company directors.  Yeah, the Marxists would never explain that to you because it sounds like something a capitalist would do.

According to the 10K, "Urban One, Inc. (a Delaware corporation originally formed in 1980 and hereinafter referred to as “Urban One”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) is an urban-oriented, multi-media company that primarily targets African-American and urban consumers."  How do you keep their attention?   "While a core source of our revenue has historically been and remains the sale of local and national advertising for broadcast on our radio stations, our strategy is to operate the premier multi-media entertainment and information content provider targeting African-American and urban consumers."  Hughes understands, believes, and values that "Information is Power".  The control of what African-Americans hear impacts what they will buy, sell, vote for, vote against, live by, and instill in the minds of their legacy.  For Hughes and other Marxists, what a man thinketh, he becomes.  If you control what they hear then, you will never fear what they become.  They become nothing more or less in the body than what you have promoted as communally acceptable.

Hughes, never a huge fan of Trump as a Republican, worked vehemently to get him out of office in 2020.  However, quietly, she clung to a Trump policy, to keep her company alive.  According to the 10K, when her firm was negatively impacted by the virus that was created by the Chinese Communist Party, she applied for a Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan.  According to the 10K, "On January 29, 2021, the Company submitted an application for participation in the PPP loan program. There is no guarantee that the Company will be awarded any loan monies.  While certain of the loans may be forgivable, to the extent the Company is awarded the loans the amount may constitute debt under the 2028 Notes (as defined below) and increase the Company’s leverage prior to repayment or forgiveness."  The PPP, a provision of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, was criticized by Marxists as a "bipartisan bailout" of greedy capitalists and wealthy corporatists.  Hughes and Liggins, who, being in the form of Marxists, thought it not robbery to be equal with greedy capitalists and wealthy corporatists.  They sought funds intended for Mom and Pop small businesses to sustain their publicly traded firm.  Well, they are referred to as "our Chairperson and her son" in the 10K.  That is small business enough, I guess.  Isn't it amazing how Marxists will pursue what they hate in order to preserve what they love?

Urban conservatives, what are you learning about your Urban Marxist Corporatists?  Information Is Power.  Deception Is Warfare.  Money Is the Almighty Influencer.  Then how can you stick it to the extreme Marxists in America's Corporate Boardrooms?  Go where the battle rages without contest: The Annual Shareholders Meeting.  Ken, you crazy!  Yeah, crazy like a fox!  It is a masterful idea attributed to an on-air conversation between Pulitzer Prize Nominee and Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF) Chairman Raynard "Teddy Bear" Jackson and The Exceptional Conservative Show® Host Ken McClenton.  We noted that the response most traveled against Marxists' actions is to boycott, gripe, and whine that nothing can be done.  These responses are negative and destructive to morale, momentum, and collective strategy.  The polar opposite would be to buy shares in the companies that have the most direct impact on our neighborhoods.  Most people would say, "Yeah, let's go after Cocoa-Cola, Pepsi, and other WOKE corporations!"  I say too global and the effort to buy even a gnat-full of shares would take too long, cost too much, and would not garner as much impact as to look at companies like Urban One, Inc. (UONE).

You would have to be a fool to do this, right?  

Well, let me refer you to the Motley Fool's "Three Signs A Company Is About to Be Acquired" (https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2016/03/17/3-signs-a-company-is-about-to-be-acquired.aspx) and the10K as justification that UONE is the best first choice.  

1. Dominance over a key market segment that larger rivals can't easily replicate

Per the 10K: 

UONE "is the largest radio broadcasting operation that primarily targets African-American and urban listeners. As of December 31, 2020, we owned and/or operated 63 independently formatted, revenue-producing broadcast stations (including 54 FM or AM stations, 7 HD stations, and the 2 low power television stations we operate) located in 13 of the most populous African-American markets in the United States."

"...our strategy is to operate the premier multi-media entertainment and information content provider targeting African-American and urban consumers." 

"Through our national multi-media operations, we provide advertisers with a unique and powerful delivery mechanism to the African-American and urban audiences."

2. Worsening operating trends, relative to much larger competitors

Per the 10K: 

"We anticipate continued decreases in revenues due to ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic"

"Likewise, our income from our investment in MGM National Harbor Casino has been negatively affected by closures and limitations on occupancy imposed by state and local governmental authorities." 

"...we proactively implemented certain cost-cutting measures including furloughs, layoffs, salary reductions, other expense reduction (including eliminating travel and entertainment expenses), eliminating merit raises, decreasing or deferring marketing spend, deferring programming/production costs, reducing special events costs, and implementing a hiring freeze on open positions."

3. Management starts talking about its options

Per the 10K: 

"Other media companies which are larger and have more resources may also enter or increase their presence in markets or segments in which we operate. Although we believe our media properties are well-positioned to compete, we cannot assure that our properties will maintain or increase their current ratings, market share, or advertising revenue."

Such weaknesses open the door to our investment strength.  Build rather than destroy.  Own rather than boycott.  Enjoy direct board room confrontations rather than indirect protestations.

One of the first things that you realize regarding corporate pursuits is that you may never own all of the pie.  Like Xi Jinpeng has an Iron Fist over Communist China, Hughes and Liggins hold an Iron Fist over UONE.  They acknowledge to the SEC, "As of December 31, 2020, our Chairperson and her son, our President and CEO, collectively held in excess of 85% of the outstanding voting power of our common stock.  As a result, our Chairperson and our CEO control our management and policies and decisions involving or impacting upon Urban One, including transactions involving a change of control, such as a sale or merger."  Hence, with less than 15% of voting power to contend, you are a gnat on an elephant.  However, as small as the gnat is, its mere presence garners the attention of the larger beast causing it to swing its trunk, spray water upon its body, and roll in the mud in order to rid itself of the irritant.  Urban conservatives, it is time to become the irritant.


We will focus our attention upon the UONE Class A shares listed on the NasdaqGS, which means The NASDAQ Global Select Market, rather than the Urban One, Inc. (UONEK) Class D shares listed on the NasdaqCM, which means The Nasdaq Capital Market.  Bet they wouldn't explain this on The Rickey Smiley Show!  In fact, Ricky, does your UONE contract offer you UONE Class B Shares?  Might want to talk to your agent!  For the sake of the Peach State fanatics, Class A, although more expensive, wrests voting power.  Cathy will tell you that every vote matters.  The last two Class A Board members were elected to office with an estimated 1.2 million shares placed for each.  Based upon a survey of record holders and a review of UONE stock transfer records, as of March 12, 2021, there were approximately 8,546 holders of Urban One’s Class A Common Stock.  Of Class A Shares, there are an estimated 37,041,000 outstanding however, there are an estimated 1.6 million in the float.  A company's float is an important number for investors because it indicates how many shares are actually available to be bought and sold by the general investing public. For less than $10,000,000, urban conservatives, at today's NasdaqGS pricing of Class A shares of less than $6, could buy up the entire float and have voting power in electing two Board members.  

The Chairperson and her son can really thank Trump for this initiative.  Under his administration, more Black Americans became first-time investors in 2020 than any other year.  Re-imagine UONE.  How symbolic it would be if 16,000 urban conservatives bought 100 voting shares each, a little less than twice the number of shareholders that exist today.  Of the 213,799,485 registered US federal election voters, Blacks make up 11% of the grouping.  That is a total of 23,517,943 registered Black US federal election voters.  Trump got 8% or an estimated 1.9 million votes of that grouping.  In reimagining UONE, Cathy and Alfred would win 0.0007% of the Black Vote or 100% of their new Black conservative investors.  Conservatives, we are just practicing economic justice, reinvesting in our Black neighborhoods.  How does this impact our neighborhoods directly?  In reimagining UONE, we can push from the proximity of the Corporate Board Room every idea, plan, key personnel, and on-air talent that the Chairperson and her son would consider among themselves.  Virtually, putting their business--ahem, our business--in the streets.  Cha-ching!

Here's a big-ticket item that UONE depends on--advertising.  UONE's fourth-quarter earnings saw a huge uptick in revenue gains, boosted by political ads.  The media company said the increase in revenue was primarily due to "unprecedented political revenue".  I can assure you that the majority of that revenue came from the Marxists and their sycophants.   Re-imagine advertising that includes mutual considerations of variant candidates, causes, issues, and or solutions.  Let me say it another way: TRUMP ads on TVONE!  Diversity in our neighborhoods would include conservatives in equal competition with Marxists through commercials targeting Blacks ages 18-54.  The Marxist monolith becomes a competitive source of information and a forum for free thought at the urging of its newest investors.  We can all Re-Imagine.

For Jim Crow Joe and the Peach State, conservatives invading America's Corporate Board Rooms would offer the best answer to the repudiation of the corrupt election laws.  When Marxists claim that Blacks are not capable to get voter ID then, it will be difficult for the Chairperson and her son to ask 16,000 Urban conservative investors wearing Trump 2024 caps to disavow the first rule of attending a Shareholders Meeting: "All stockholders and proxy holders must register at the reception desk and show valid identification as a stockholder or as a proxy holder before entering the meeting room."  Money makes incapability impossible to justify.  Get into their money and you get into their minds.

As with all your investments, you must make your own determination whether an investment is appropriate for you.  The editorial opinion is not a recommendation or endorsement of this security by making it available to consumers, readers, and all others.  You should conduct research and perform a thorough investigation as to the characteristics of any securities you intend to purchase.  Before investing, you should read the prospectus, offering circular, indenture, or similar document carefully for a full description of the product, including its features and risks, to determine whether it is an appropriate investment for your overall financial objectives, risk tolerance, financial situation, and other individual factors, and be sure to re-evaluate those factors on a periodic basis.

Performance data shown represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance data quoted. Yield and return will vary, therefore, you may have a gain or loss when you sell your shares.

Don't keep doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result.


Kenneth McClenton

Founder, Chairman, and President 


1307 44th Place SE

Washington, DC 20019

Phone   202-660-1329 Ext 0





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